
Blueberry Bonanza!

Is this one big enough?

When blueberries come into season, Cherie has an internal alarm clock that goes off. And the message is: corral David and let's go to the blueberry patch! We get a bucket each,walk down the rows of blueberries and sadistic insects (who, for some reason, only go after David) and spend the next hour or two in oppressive heat to pick about $1.49 worth of blueberries. David would just as soon buy the bulk packages at the check-in. Or, better yet, at the Fresh Market. Now, if we can get home in time for the afternoon siesta....

Kidding aside, we usually get about a year's supply of fresh blueberries, which Cherie freezes in two-cup packs. Just enough for a serving of the famous blueberry sauce!

Spring is Here!


The cherry blossoms are in bloom and I am wearing a short sleeved shirt!

Summer's Last Push

The Last  TomatoGrape Expectations

The week following Labor Day and it will reach mid-nineties, but it is all downhill from here. Football season is upon us, the kids are back to school, and it is getting dark too, too early in the evening. Accidentally killed Sid the black snake a few days ago. Sid — you should not have gotten under my car! We will miss you!

Our lawn will soon be aerated. The irrigation system will be shut down for the season, although it was barely run this summer. Tomatoes will come from foreign lands, not from the market on Saturday. The leaves will start to turn. Another cycle on Copperpenny Court.

From Life to Life

Coral Bark Maple
Ace of Hearts Redbud

Yesterday the nursery delivered two new trees, which were planted in strategic locations designated by Cherie. In a new, and I think very thoughtful tradition, Cherie decided to name each tree after a respected, and very much missed, relative.

Spring 2013

D700 24-70 2.8
D700 24-70 2.8

It is Masters Week and that means spring is out in full force, pollen fills the air, the colors are green mixed with brown, and rain is mixed with sun and clouds. Change. Transition. Growth. What could be better?